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Hydrafacial is a top tier skincare treatment designed to enhance the skin’s appearance and health. This multistep treatment combines exfoliation, extraction, and hydration simultaneously and is customizable for all skin-specific needs. Hydrafacial targets various skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, dull or dehydrated skin, and offers immediate glowing results with no down time. Optimal results are achieved with monthly service.

Hydrafacial is a popular and effective skincare treatment designed to enhance the skin’s appearance and health. This multistep treatment is typically performed using a specialized Hydrafacial MD device, which combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and serum infusion in one session. Suitable for all skin types, the Hydrafacial targets various skin issues such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, dull skin, and enlarged pores. The treatment is customizable with different serums to meet specific skin needs. It is praised for its immediate results, often visible after just one session, with no downtime required. Results can last several weeks, and for optimal skin health, regular treatments are recommended.

The Treatment


Customize your Hydrafacial to address specific facial concerns. Whether you’re looking to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, lighten dark spots, enhance elasticity and firmness, reduce redness, boost hydration, even out pigmentation, clear congestion and acne, or minimize pore size, there’s a tailored facial treatment waiting for you.


Extend the benefits of Hydrafacial beyond your face with body treatments designed to improve redness, clear congestion, and enhance the texture of skin on your back, booty, thighs, arms, neck and décolleté, and hands. Experience rejuvenation where you need it most.


Focus on the finer details with Perk Lip and Perk Eye treatments. These specialized sessions revitalize and exfoliate the most delicate areas of your face, leaving your lips and eyes looking refreshed and vibrant.


Short on time? Opt for the Express Hydrafacial, a quick, 3-step treatment that delivers the core benefits of Hydrafacial — cleanse, extract, and hydrate — to give you a refreshed and radiant glow on the go. Perfect for maintaining skin health between regular sessions.


The Hydrafacial works through a three-step process: cleansing and peeling to exfoliate and resurface the skin; extracting to remove impurities while simultaneously hydrating the skin; and infusing with intensive serums that protect and rejuvenate the skin. The treatment employs a unique spiral suction tip that dislodges impurities and delivers the serums effectively.

Results are typically apparent after the first treatment. Clients often notice enhanced skin clarity, radiance, and smoothness from the initial session.

The results of a Hydrafacial treatment can last several weeks. Regular monthly treatments are recommended to maintain skin health and prolong the effects.

The number of treatments needed can vary based on individual skin concerns and goals. Aesthetic professionals often recommend starting with monthly sessions and adjusting the frequency based on how the skin responds and improves.

To prepare for a Hydrafacial, it is advised to avoid using prescription creams and potentially irritating treatments a few days prior to the session to minimize any risk of adverse reactions.

After a Hydrafacial, it is important to keep the skin hydrated and use sunscreen to protect the newly exposed skin layers. Avoiding harsh products or treatments immediately after the facial is also recommended.

Hydrafacial is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects. Some clients may experience slight redness or tightness following the treatment, which usually goes away after a few hours.

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