
What are the Differences Between Restylane and Sculptra Dermal Fillers ?

Beautiful girl getting Dermal Filler Injection in her lips | Bradenton Aesthetics in Bradenton, FL

Injectable fillers are a popular way to improve the look of your face because they are non-invasive and don’t require any recovery time. Sculptra and Restylane are injectable products that work well for people who have lost volume in their faces and want to get it back.

So, Sculptra or Restylane? Which is better for you? What you want to do will determine the answer. Today, Bradenton Aesthetics will guide you on the best and ideal solution. Check out this blog post for more details! 

Critical Differences Between Restylane & Sculptra

Sculptra and Restylane are two of the most popular injectable fillers for beauty. Both products have been approved by the FDA and have a good reputation for doing what they’re supposed to do. 

But Sculptra and Restylane have different ways of making up for lost facial volume. For instance, the better product is Sculptra, which works gradually and lasts longer to stop significant volume loss. 

Restylane is better if you want to eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, and creases immediately. Both injectables can be used as treatments and can even be used to help each other. Let’s take a look and breakdown further each filler below. 


Sculptra is not a dermal filler in the strictest sense. Instead, it is a biostimulant made with poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a polyester often used to make bone screws and stitches that dissolve over time. 

When poly-L-lactic acid is injected into the body, it makes the immune system react because it is a foreign substance. Fibroblasts wrap around the PLLA microparticles and stimulate collagen production in the treated area.

After your first Sculptra injection, you’ll notice some effects right away. These effects will last one or two days until the inflammation inside your body disappears. 

Patients will notice small changes over eight weeks as the college grows under the skin. Your friends and family will see that you look better, but they won’t know why.

The best way to use Sculptra is to replace lost volume in the whole face. Sculptra can fix fine to deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds, as well as boost collagen and add volume to “sunken” facial areas.


Restylane is an excellent product for treating the cheeks, lips, and dark circles under the eyes, and acceptable to moderate lines on the face. It is made with a lump of sugar in the human body called hyaluronic acid (HA). 

Hyaluronic acid keeps the skin, eyes, and joints moist and keeps water in them. Restylane’s hyaluronic acid works by drawing water from the body to the treatment site. 

As water is drawn to and stays in the dermal filler, areas that have lost volume get fuller. Restylane is made for people who want to see results right away.

So, Which One is Best?

The PLLA and HA in Sculptra and Restylane are both biocompatible and break down in the body. This means that the human body can use materials made in a lab without too many adverse side effects. 

The body can then absorb and break down the ingredients until they are gone. Some providers, though, like using Sculptra and Restylane in a patient’s treatment plan because they work better together. 

But it’s usually either this or that, so you should compare the products to see which is better for you. Still, Sculptra and Restylane are just some of the options.

If neither Sculptra nor Restylane will help you reach your goal, other facial fillers may work better. You might like fillers like Juvederm, Radiesse, or Belotero instead.


Like Restylane, Juvederm is a dermal filler of hyaluronic acid used to treat facial aging signs. In the Juvederm line, there are some products with different concentrations and bondings of HA so that you can treat specific problems, such as:

  • Juvederm Voluma XC makes the area under the cheeks look fuller.
  • Juvederm Ultra XC and Volbella XC can be used to improve the look of your lips without surgery.

The wrinkles and lines around the mouth and nose respond best to Juvederm Ultra Plus XC and Vollure XC. Also, these products can make skin more flexible.

The price of a Juvederm session will depend on how skilled your cosmetic surgeon is, where you live, and how many Juvederm syringes are used.


Radiesse is a filler injected into the skin. It can smooth out wrinkles and folds, especially around the nose and mouth. You can also use it to smooth out the skin around the hands with wrinkles.

Radiesse is made with calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) gel microspheres. These microspheres comprise phosphate and calcium, which help the body produce more collagen. 

The gel’s hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon make scaffold-like collagen and connective tissues. When the CaHA is taken back into the body, it leaves the collagen in its place.

This can seem like a lot if you need to treat more than one area. But the effects of Radiesse can last up to two years, so it may be cheaper in the long run than hyaluronic acid fillers.


Belotero is another dermal filler that is made of hyaluronic acid. This means that it can bind to water and make the skin look fuller and smoother by attaching it. Since Belotero has grown, it has two more products: 

  • Belotero is soft for excellent lines
  • Belotero Volume for giving the lips, nose, cheeks, and chin more volume. 

Dermal Fillers at Bradenton Aesthetics

At Bradenton Aesthetics, we only use fillers made with hyaluronic acid. We offer fillers like Juvederm and Restylane. Normal aging causes our skin to lose its elasticity and our faces to get thinner. 

Dermal fillers temporarily add fullness and moisture to the lips, smooth fine lines, raise scar depressions, add volume to the face’s creases and folds, restore soft-tissue volume loss, add volume to the cheeks, and make a face’s lines and curves look more natural.

Among the benefits of this treatment are the following:

  • Fill out and moisturize thin lips
  • Enhance cheek volume
  • Near the nose and mouth, the lines are smooth.
  • Smooth out the lines on your chin.
  • Refresh one’s beauty without changing the way one looks.

It’s not only dermal fillers that we offer in general, but we also have other specified treatments that you can enjoy. These are the following:

  • Cheek Filler/Mid Face
  • Bradenton Aesthetics Signature Lip Augmentation
  • Lip Mini-Plump/Hydrate/Anti-Aging Filler
  • Chin Augmentation
  • Jawline Filler
  • Lower Face (Under/Around Mouth) Filler
  • Nasolabial Fold (Smile/Laugh line) Filler
  • Other Consultation Required

Let Bradenton Aesthetics Experts Help You!

It can take time to figure out which dermal filler will work best for you and help you achieve your goals. It would help if you talked to a professional first because you don’t need a fill.

At Bradenton Aesthetics, we can make you a custom treatment plan so you can reach your beauty goals. We put our patients’ needs first and ensure they have the best possible experience. Contact Bradenton Aesthetics today to set up a consultation!

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